
5 Days, 5 Ways Lombardo is Out of Touch with Nevadans: Dark Money Edition

It’s day two of 5 Days, 5 Ways Joe Lombardo is Out of Touch with Nevadans and today we’re highlighting Joe Lombardo’s corruption and how


5 Days, 5 Ways Lombardo is Out of Touch with Nevadas: Housing Crisis Edition

After Joe Lombardo dodged questions and got caught flat-out lying in an interview with the Nevada Independent, the NV Dems are unveiling a new series,


Nevada MAGA Mayhem – Weekly Senate Update 3/8

Another week, another round of infighting for Nevada Senate Republicans who are making this the messiest and ugliest Senate primary in the country. This is


REMINDER: Trump Hurt Nevada’s Latino Families and He Wants To Do It Again

Ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to Nevada today, here’s a reminder that Trump failed Nevada’s Latino community miserably. From destroying the economy and


ICYMI: Lombardo Cravenly Embraces Donald Trump

“Lombardo offered his clearest backing of Trump, who is navigating multiple criminal indictments” After vetoing SB133, a bill that would have established felony criminal penalties


NEW REPORT: After Vetoing Legislation To Lower Prescription Costs, Joe Lombardo Received Nearly $100,000 From Big Drug Companies

A new report found that after vetoing AB250, a bill that would have lowered the price of Medicare-negotiated prescription drugs for all Nevadans, Joe Lombardo


NV Dems Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno Announces Call to State Convention

The Nevada State Democratic Party will hold its biennial convention on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. Nevada


Sam Brown Refuses to Support Senate IVF Protection Bill

Las Vegas Sun: “Brown’s Campaign Did Not Respond to a Request For Comment to Elaborate Further His Support for IVF” Over the weekend, the Las


Billionaire-Backed Koch Network Doubles Down on Propping Up MAGA Extremist Sam Brown’s Senate Campaign

Americans For Prosperity is spending another $600,000 on TV ads to prop up Brown in messy GOP primary Americans for Prosperity (AFP), an out-of-state super


KUNR: Democratic lawmakers hammer Lombardo over ghost gun undercount

“During his campaign for governor, then-sheriff Joe Lombardo downplayed the number of ghost guns recovered by police” Last week, Joe Lombardo was caught red-handed lying