IVF bill blocked by Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, who hosted D.C. fundraiser for Brown’s campaign and donated $5K 

Senate Republicans, led by top Sam Brown ally Cindy Hyde-Smith, today blocked legislation to protect access to IVF and other assisted reproductive services under federal law. 

Hyde-Smith, who also chairs the Senate Pro-life Caucus, personally hosted a fundraiser for Sam Brown’s campaign just last year and donated $5K through her PAC last quarter. And it’s no wonder why: Brown’s strong support for overturning Roe v. Wade opened the door for attacks on women’s reproductive rights nationwide, including IVF.  

Even after seeing the consequences of his actions, which includes Alabama families being forced to stop mid-fertility treatments and a Texas mom being forced to flee her home state to receive life-saving abortion care, Brown is doubling down on his anti-choice agenda. On his campaign website today, Brown says that opposing abortion rights would be his litmus test for confirming judges if he was elected to the Senate.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“Anti-abortion extremists like Sam Brown have paved the way for cruel and extreme restrictions on everything from abortion access to fertility care – and now his own party and top Senate allies are the ones blocking federal efforts to protect IVF access. It’s a dangerous and deeply unpopular record that Sam Brown will be forced to own every day until he loses his third straight campaign.” 


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