I’ve been providing a nanny service, taking care of my new grandson, Bennett, from mid October until the end of December. This entailed staying at my son and daughter-in-law’s house Monday through Friday and returning to my home an hour away in Rochester only on weekends. My typical day consisted of getting my other grandson, Max, up and ready for school, preparing him breakfast, making him a lunch to take to school and letting the four dogs out for a “nature call”. I then watched Bennett all day; playing, reading him books, feeding him and changing his diapers, including those “poopy” ones. I also made dinner for the family every night which always included a salad, entree, vegetable side dish and a dessert on occasion. I also fed the dogs their dinner, with the beagle howling loudly for his food. I finished my day by reading Max a bedtime story. That was my routine for ten weeks. Bennett is now in daycare and am finally back to my old routine.

I’ve been retired for 6 years now, living alone since my trusted cat, Nick, passed away a few years ago from advanced old age of 21 years. I made a Vegas road trip the winter I retired and after providing “Papa daycare” and the impending Minnesota winter I decided I needed a break from reality. I started to create a patchwork of hotel stays where I could take advantage of the casino’s generosity in providing me with comped hotel stays. It requires me to move from hotel to hotel every couple of days, but after all my research I will only have to pay for two nights during my whole trip while in Vegas. It’s not pretty but it works for me. I have arranged for a company to shovel my sidewalk and driveway of snow while I am away, post office will hold my mail and my monthly bills are on auto pay…..let’s light this candle!

I will try to make daily entries with photos when I can. My first week in Vegas will be a busy one as my two Vegas wingmen MadMan Mike and Freddy Five Fingers will be in town along with my daughter who decided to join me for several days. I won’t be gambling every day (yeah right) and have plotted out several hiking day trips. We will see how my 7K bankrolls holds up.


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