Year in Review 2022

Welcome to the third edition of the ch-aviation Year In Review report! This overview outlines all we’ve been working on the past year to make ch-aviation even better.

This year, ch-aviation saw a total of 1.9 million website users with the most popular month being March with 362,794 users and the most popular week being that of February 27th to March 5th with 212,443 users. The most visitors on a single day was on March 4th with 89,224! In total, we registered a staggering 6,889,142 page views in 2022.

Our Sunday Newsletter now lands in the inboxes of over 80,000 readers with over 4 million being sent out this year.

Website visitors 2022

Our most popular content is still our industry news. Our news desk published 11,563 news articles this year, of which 8,052 were FREE and 3,173 PRO. In 2022, we wrote 338 PRO Exclusive articles featuring interviews with CEOs from airlines from across the globe. In 2022, the average number of articles output per day was 44.

Here are the Top 5 most popular News stories in 2022:

News Articles 2022

Another important aspect of ch-aviation is, of course, our database! We’re determined to add ever more aircraft to our database, as well as airport, airline, and lessor profiles, along with contact details for executive positions and other important roles at those companies. We’ve also continued our ch-aviation University Access program, providing 28 universities across the world with our aviation data.

See the full overview in the table below:

Database 2022

Everything we do is supported by our Development team which ensures that new features are rolled out and necessary updates are carried out, enabling the best possible user experience. Take a look below to find out about the most important updates we released in 2022.

Development 2022

Our Marketing team continued to work on brand awareness and our digital footprint. We are proud to note that we’ve reached more than 50,000 organic LinkedIn followers in 2022! Our Linkedin feed features the most read aviation news, industry analyses and graphs, as well as development and job opportunities at ch-aviation. Make sure to follow us on Linkedin!

The most popular LinkedIn post in 2022 was Poland banning Russian air operators from using its airspace, with 482 likes, 1147 clicks and over 38,000 impressions. :

We’ve also continued working hard on our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter profiles, all of which have seen significant growth in the number of new followers over the course of this year. As ch-aviation continues to grow, we’ve decided to use our Instagram account as an Employer Branding tool, thereby enabling us to bring ch-aviation closer to all new potential employees by sharing with them who we are, what we do and how we do it. They can also easily track all of our job opportunities and learn about life at ch-aviation through our profile.

If you haven’t already, make sure to visit our Instagram profile here and follow us for more exciting content.

Social Media 2022

In 2022, we upgraded our ch-aviation Youngest Aircraft Fleet Award and, for the first time, acknowledged lessors with the ch-aviation Youngest Aircraft Portfolio Award. Having a modern fleet and portfolio by using new generation aircraft helps reduce CO2 emissions within the aviation industry and helps achieve better fuel efficiency. This represents a huge step forward for sustainability, and we’re proud to give those companies the recognition they deserve.

Uganda Airlines won the ch-aviation Youngest Aircraft Fleet Award 2022, while CMB Financial Leasing took first place in the ch-aviation Youngest Aircraft Portfolio Award 2022.

P.S. Stay tuned for the ch-aviation Youngest Aircraft Fleet Award 2023, which will be announced soon!

YAFA 2022

Going back to our users, we’ve learned that they access our website primarily from desktop computers (49.30%), with Android being the most popular operating system. The other half of our users access the ch-aviation web on their mobile devices (48.21%), which are also powered – for the most part – by Android. Tablet users account for the least number of visitors (2.49%).

We’re excited to announce that we’re working hard on a new user interface that will improve your user experience across all devices, and it is expected to come out in the first quarter of 2023!

Technology 2022

Looking at our global audience, we are most popular in the United States and China. The US is first on the list, with more than 400,000 visitors in 2022. On the other hand, London, UK is the city from which we have the most visitors – over 62,000 of them. Ashburn, Singapore, Dublin, and New York follow.

Visitors Geo 2022

In yet another edition of “Time to say goodbye”, we’ve created a list of all the operators that went out of business in 2022. Since the aviation industry is highly fluid, many companies try to find their place in the limelight. Unfortunately, not all of them make it. Check out the visual below for the complete list.

Time to say goodbye 2022

Lastly, we hosted our second Networking event on November 23rd, in which we gathered DaaS, SaaS, IT and aviation experts from across the region for a relaxed evening of food, drinks and great conversation. It was an amazing experience, and we couldn’t think of a better way to end 2022.

Netoworking Event 2022

So that’s a wrap for 2022! Thank you all for following us on our journey and being the best possible audience we could ask for!

Happy Holidays to you all, and we’ll see you in 2023!

P.S. For our part, we have our own wishes for 2023 – as a growing company, we are still in search of fresh talent to join our Sales, Data, Development, and News departments. Check out our current job openings here.

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