What are positive affirmations?

Your mindset plays an important role in many aspects of your life, including how you speak to yourself in regards to losing weight. In short, you are what you think.
The word affirmation comes from the Latin “affirmare”, at that time meaning “to make steady, strengthen.”. Used to empower, positive self talk can work to amplify your confidence and boost your motivation to lose weight. As well as visualizing your weight loss goals, positive self talk can bring you closer to your positive changes a lot faster than you may think.
But are there further benefits to positive thoughts and affirmations? Of course, there are, ladies! In fact, they can help to reduce your stress levels, better your health and help keep you grounded (and focused!).
Now we’ve covered what they are, how can they really help?
How can positive affirmations help?
When you believe in what you’re trying to achieve, your mindset can allow you to have greater control of your own body, making following a healthier lifestyle easier than ever before.
Think about it… When January hits, many of us create goals for the year ahead, but when your head isn’t really in the game, it can be easy to fall off the wagon and find yourself scoffing a whole bag of candy.
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When you affirm your own journey verbally to yourself, you are immediately stamping out any negative thoughts – reassuring your healthy choices and bring self acceptance to the forefront of your journey.
However, you cannot rely on your weight loss affirmations alone, unfortunately – you need to make them into your new reality. This is why the language you choose to correspond with your goals is important, too. Consider affirmations a detox for your brain that helps eliminate all self-deprecating depressing thoughts and pave the way for a successful life.
Repeating positive things daily (in the present tense) can help you to stay motivated and affirm what you want to achieve.
Building a healthy life to stay motivated in your weight loss journey

When you’re on a mission to feel good and hit your desired weight, it can be tricky knowing how to stay motivated. Especially when you see others dropping the pounds, how can it be so easy for them to hit a healthy weight and make the right food choices? The thing is, it isn’t all about your ‘willpower’ ladies.
A lot of us turn to junk food when we’re feeling stressed, upset, or even angry, which can lead to weight gain. While there’s no way for your weight loss efforts to magically happen overnight, getting into the right mindset is just as important as filling your kitchen with whole foods.
Both an understanding of why we eat impulsively (whether emotional eating, or we believe we have no self control), and thinking positively about our weight loss plan is important. Affirmations for weight loss can put you back in the driver’s seat, allowing you to take control of your weight loss plan!
Self love can go a long way, and an understanding of the journey is also important. Trust the process, ladies! Choosing healthy food over processed junk will not only make you feel good, but it’ll also keep you feeling full for longer. Now, let’s get stuck into my favorite affirmations for weight loss.
Positive mindset weight loss affirmations
Right, ladies, it may sound easy, but without the right weight loss affirmations, how can you possibly get into the right mindset?
Here’s just one example for you to repeat out loud:
“I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.”
Repeating these type of affirmations for weight loss will help you stay engaged with following healthy eating habits, getting you one step closer to your weight loss goal.
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Don’t worry, I’m going to share even more of my favorite weight loss affirmations below! Here are 30 of my favorites to get you started. Believe me, ladies, with these affirmations for weight loss, you’ll be eating healthy, exercising regularly and absolutely smashing your goals!
My favorite 25 affirmations for weight loss

I believe in myself and my ability to succeed. I have hope and certainty about the future.
I am not afraid to say no when I need to.
Losing weight is natural for me.
I am eating foods that contribute to my wellbeing.
I adore the taste of healthy food.
I exercise to enjoy a strong, toned body. I love the feeling of exercise.
I can see myself at my ideal weight.
I am joyfully achieving my weight loss goals.
I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.
I eat only when I feel hungry.
I control how much I eat.
I find it quite easy to lose weight.
I deserve to have a lean, healthy, and attractive body.
I enjoy training.
I easily choose healthy snacks over junk food.
I eat lots of fruits and veggies.
I can easily reach and maintain my ideal weight.
I think positively and naturally lose weight.
I am a disciplined eater.
I find it easy to keep fit.
I eat balanced meals every day.
I am naturally slim.
I am continuing to develop healthier eating habits.
I am losing weight every single day.
I have a naturally healthy mind and body.

The best way to use these weight loss affirmations is to keep them written down or in a note in your phone, so you can revisit them daily, sometimes two or three times a day. This type of positive reinforcement will support you on your mission to smashing your weight loss goals.
Let’s be real, losing weight isn’t easy! For many of us, healthy eating doesn’t come naturally, especially after years of treats and eating junk food. However, choosing to eat healthy foods can soon become second nature, believe me!
Soon you’ll love exercising, have more success in your weight loss and wave goodbye to fad diets. When you have more confidence in yourself, eating healthy will become a new, healthy habit that you enjoy.
Here are my top tips for utilizing these weight loss affirmations.
Losing weight the right way with love affirmations

It’s important to repeat these affirmations daily in order to support your weight loss. Affirmations can also help you in other areas of your life, too, not just weight loss! But for now, here are my top tips for following the affirmations above, and even creating your own.
Keep it simple
After a few days of repeating your weight loss affirmations, you’ll start to remember them with ease. But it’s important to keep them simple! If you do decide to create your own affirmations for weight loss, try to avoid making them too long. Not only will this start to water down the messaging, but you’ll also never quite remember them!
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Plus, if it feels as though you’re repeating an entire book each day, repeating your weight loss affirmations will feel like a chore – the total opposite of what we’re trying to achieve!
Say them with confidence
When it comes to repeating your weight loss affirmations, you need to be able to say them with confidence. Stand tall, relax your shoulders and perk up that posture! This isn’t a race, so repeat your healthy eating affirmations slowly and confidently. Read them like you mean it!
Add some emotion
These are positive affirmations after all… So you need to invest some positivity! When you’re reading your affirmations, feel them strongly, get excited, and start visualizing yourself losing weight and enjoying healthy foods.
Practice regularly
Practice really does make perfect. The more you repeat your weight loss affirmations, the stronger you will start to accept them as facts about yourself.
Work with a coach or friend
We all need a little support sometimes! And the same goes for losing weight. Whether it’s hiring a PT at the gym, or going running with a friend, it’s important to get some accountability in your life. The same applies to your weight loss affirmations – hire a coach or get a friend to read the affirmations to you, helping to reinforce the positive message.
Support your weight loss goals with PhenGold

Repeating these weight loss affirmations daily can certainly benefit your mindset, getting you closer to achieving your weight loss in no time. But if you do feel as though you need a little extra support, there’s always PhenGold. Our 100% natural weight loss supplements works to fire up fat burn, while kicking those pesky cravings to the curb.
The post 25 weight loss affirmations to help with your body transformation appeared first on PhenGold.

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