YEN Viet Kitchen

Ca Phe Vietnamese Coffee

Banh Cuon Steamed Rice Roll – Minced pork, wood ear mushroom, veggies, sliced pork roll, fermented pork, house fish sauce

Chao Long Pork Porridge – Pork organs, pork blood cube, served with Chinese Donuts

Banh Xeo Crispy Turmeric Pancake – Pork, shrimp, veggies, mung bean sprout, house fish sauce

Tucked away on Decatur just off Spring Mountain resides YEN Viet Kitchen, a low-ceilinged space offering traditional Vietnamese dishes including several Southern specialties not available anywhere else in Sin City.

Quiet and nondescript, just a few tables plus refrigerators decorating the space staffed by a single server, guests choose from a two-sided laminated menu featuring traditional names plus English descriptions.

Populated by young Vietnamese locals on Saturday afternoon, a contrast to the kitchen run by elders, service proves fast and proficient beginning with smooth Ca Phe and continuing with Banh Cuon featuring three types of Pork Sausage atop Rice Rolls that are fresh and interesting even before a splash of Fish Sauce.

Also offering a crispy Omelet called Banh Xeo, the “Pancake” perfumed by Turmeric on both sides of Pork, Shrimp and Mung Beans, fans of Offal will find Chao Long Pork Porridge particularly compelling thanks to broken down Rice and Lemongrass that help subdue intense Liver, smooth Tripe and gelatinous Blood Cubes.

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