LAS VEGAS ( KLAS ) – It’s not just Metro police watching out for cars with expired tags – or no tags.
The other day, viewer JC was one of dozens who’ve reached out complaining about cars that look like they shouldn’t be on the road.
He’d written: “Every time I leave my house, I see multiple cars that don’t have a license plate. Not occasionally. Every time.”
We mentioned that Metro Sheriff Kevin McMahill is on record supporting the idea of cameras that can catch speeders and red light runners, although you have to wonder how effective that technology can be on cars with no tags.
But there are other eyes on the road besides Metro.
JD Decker is head of Nevada DMV Compliance Enforcement. He showed a California plate that had a Nevada DMV sticker on it from a different vehicle.
Even though there aren’t as many DMV officers as Metro, Decker and his team recently took hundreds of cars off the road in one week of patrols.
He says they find all kinds of problems:
“Swapped plates, stolen plates, no plates. We even see people who have valid registrations who just aren’t putting on the current sticker.”
Shout-out to 8NewsNow reporter Brian Will, who did the leg work on this story.
So, yes- there’s *something being done about cars with no plates, even if it might not seem like it.
And we’ll be watching the Nevada Legislature next year with updates on possible red light and speed cameras.
Thanks again to JC – and everyone who’s written in on this disturbing topic.
Buckle up, drive carefully – and, please put down that phone!
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