LAS VEGAS ( KLAS ) – A follow-up viewer question about the 215 beltway.

Alyssa writes:

“Why are there the same names on 215 exits on the north and south ends of town (like Jones and Decatur)? I get that those are major streets, but it causes confusion.”

There’s no doubt about that, Alyssa. And we can throw Durango in there, too.

The easiest solution is one that we try to mention every time situations come up here at 8NewsNow: just say which end of the beltway we’re talking about.

Like the fatal motorcycle crash yesterday morning on Durango near the 215 southern beltway – or the fatal wrong-way crash earlier this year at Jones and the northern beltway.

If we all get into the habit, maybe our kids and grandkikds won’t think twice about making the distinction.

Alyssa, thanks for writing.

Buckle up, drive carefully – and, please put down that phone!

You’re welcome to join the “Driving You Crazy” conversation:

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