LAS VEGAS ( KLAS ) – Next up after this past weekend’s closure of northbound I-15 around the 215 southern beltway . . . It’s part 2 this coming weekend, going the other way.
Starting at 9 Friday night and scheduled to run until 5 next Monday morning, southbound I-15 will be closed from Flamingo to the 215 southern beltway
NDOT is repaving the 15 with rubberized asphalt, pointing out that that’s an environmentally friendly material that incorporates recycled tires.
It must be a cool project because it has its own logo:

And – even better – it’s part of a fancier I-15/Trop and NDOT logo trifecta! [see video with this story]
Consider this just one of the many times you’ll be reminded.
There will be plenty of signs, but for detours, try Spring Mountain or Flamingo west to Decatur, then south to the 215.
Buckle up, drive carefully – and, please put down that phone!
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