Just when you thought the cavalcade of horseshit was finally over for the former Wet ‘n Wild water park site after All-Net Arena was euthanized, it continues with the release of renderings for yet another Strip resort project that’s never, ever going to happen: LXVP.
Yes, that was a lot, but we’re very busy and important, so we don’t have time to dilly and/or dally.
We were pretty much the lone Las Vegas media outlet to call out the All-Net sham for a decade, and we’re proud to do it again for LXVP. Here’s a look at a rendering of this imaginary resort.

Big thanks to Channel 8 for being the first to dig up these renderings from paperwork submitted to the Winchester Town Board, whatever that might actually be.
When the plan is rubber-stamped by the Winchester Town Board, it will then go to the ever-gullible Clark County Commission for further rubber stamping.
Reminder: Renderings and plans are not financing, and without financing, this project isn’t a reality, nor will it ever be.
The folk who created the renderings, Steelman Partners, are legit, however. Drawings aren’t cheap, but we’re talking thousands of dollars, not billions. That’s a whole different ballgame. Speaking of ballgames, see also the utter lack of funding for the A’s ballpark and Bally’s Corp. resort on the former Tropicana site.
Are we simply a naysayer for the sake of naysaying? No, although, we sometimes say “nay” when it’s clear something is a a wholly ridiculous charade fashioned from smoke, mirrors and beetle dung. It’s not pessimism, it’s common sense. We’ve been pointing out the sheer stupidity of this particular dog and pony show since it was announced in April 2024.

Our local media does what it always does, it just repeats what its told, never questioning whether the information is in any way tethered to reality.
The reality is the folks involved with this project do not have the wherewithal to actually make it happen.
There’s James R. Frasure Jr., CEO of LVXP; Chief of Staff Christine Richards (a professional dancer and choreographer) and Chief Construction Officer Nick Tomasino. Nick Tomasino managed the construction of The Sphere, the venue that went a billion over budget. Bygones!
Paul and Sue Lowden (a former Nevada state senator, but nobody’s perfect), and their Archon Corp., are also involved in the project. The pair have operated a handful of small casinos that generated dozens of dollars in revenue (including Hacienda, Pioneer and Santa Fe Station), along with the aforementioned Wet ‘n Wild.
The Lowden’s son, Chris Lowden, was sued for fraud and racketeering related to the Stoney’s Rockin’ Country company in 2016, a brand Archon owns.
No one involved with LVXP has said where financing will come from, mostly because it’s not coming from anywhere.

To rattle off the alleged features of this project would be like naming the anatomical features of a mermaid, so we won’t, except to say they’re lofty and imaginative.
As is required by Nevada state law now, developers enthusiastically claim the resort will have an 18,000-seat sports arena to try and lure an NBA team. As we have shared, this is already happening at the Rio site, so LVXP is unmitigated fiction.
The only thing missing at LVXP is a Stargate. Give them a minute.
If you’re unfamiliar with the Las Vegas Strip, the proposed LVXP site (currently a mosquito breeding ground) is between Fontainebleau and the Sahara casino, owned by noted douchenozzle Alex Meruelo. All due respect to douchenozzles.
The well-meaning but delusional folks at LVXP say they’ll start building this multibillion-dollar resort “in early 2025,” the first of many hallucinatory dates that will come and go for the next several years as the developers scramble to find financing that is never going to materialize.
There are so many exciting projects in Las Vegas, it’s best we not waste time on the outlandish ones that aren’t happening. This, friends, is a metric ass-ton of that.