AI concept. 3D render
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Here is a summary of some North American research themes, emphasizing the broader areas of funding research and advancing science in fields such as standards and technology, artificial intelligence, the humanities, social sciences, and primatology

Explore recent research developments in North America, focusing on funding and advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) fields. We start by examining the work of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the U.S. and the essential role of safety in implementing new technologies.

Next, we highlight humanities-led research centers that will serve as hubs for interdisciplinary collaboration, specifically investigating AI technologies’ human and social impacts. Additional reading on science, health education, and philosophy research topics are available for those interested.

We also feature insights about the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), which frequently collaborates with other organizations, and comments from Minister Champagne on how Canada’s leading social sciences and humanities researchers are addressing everyday challenges. Lastly, we conclude with a brief overview of primatology research, providing an unexpected twist to this editorial.

Standards and technology

Have you heard that the NIST was founded in 1901 and is now part of the U.S. Department of Commerce? The NIST is one of America’s oldest physical science laboratories. Congress established the agency to address a significant challenge to U.S. industrial competitiveness at that time: a second-rate measurement infrastructure that lagged behind the capabilities of the UK, Germany, plus other economic rivals.

Today, countless products and services, from smart electric power grids and electronic health records to atomic clocks, computer chips, and advanced nanomaterials, depend on the technology, measurement, and standards the NIST provides. The NIST measurements support many technologies, from tiny nanoscale devices – thousands of which can fit on the end of a single human hair – to large, complex human-made structures, such as global communication networks and earthquake-resistant skyscrapers. (1)

For example, in August 2024, the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute, part of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s NIST, announced agreements to formally collaborate on AI safety research, evaluation, and testing with Anthropic and OpenAI. These Memoranda of Understanding establish a framework that allows the U.S. AI Safety Institute to access significant new models from each company before and after their public release. The agreements will enable collaborative research to evaluate safety risks, and methods to mitigate those risks.

“Safety is essential to fueling breakthrough technological innovation. With these agreements in place, we look forward to beginning our technical collaborations with Anthropic and OpenAI to advance the science of AI safety. These agreements are just the start, but they are an important milestone as we work to help responsibly steward the future of AI,” said Elizabeth Kelly, U.S. AI Safety Institute Director. (2)

The humanities

What are the humanities? The humanities examine, interpret, and preserve the rich diversity of human cultures, ideas, experiences, and practices, both past and present. Key elements such as languages, religions, philosophies, laws, and customs make us unique. They are integral to our history and cultures and the ideas and movements that have shaped societies

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is the only federal agency in the United States that funds humanities projects. Since its establishment in 1965, the NEH has awarded over $6 billion in grants to historic sites, museums, colleges, universities, K-12 education, libraries, public television and radio stations, independent scholars, research institutions, and humanities councils across America’s states and jurisdictions. Panels of independent external reviewers select and assess the highest-rated proposals for grant funding.

NEH grants support the fundamental aspects of American civil society. They help examine the human condition, foster respect for diverse beliefs and cultures, understand cultural heritage, and develop media and information literacy. These grants enable museums to bring exhibitions to local communities, enhance teaching in schools, create podcasts and documentaries, facilitate innovative research, and expand and preserve access to cultural and historical artifacts. (3)

For instance, in August 2024, the NEH announced grant awards totaling $2.72 million to five colleges and universities. These funds will be used to establish new humanities-led research centers that will serve as hubs for interdisciplinary collaborative research on the social and human impacts of AI technologies.

“The humanities provide the ethical compass and historical context to help us understand the full implications of AI technologies, giving both creators and users of AI the necessary tools to navigate its risks and rewards responsibly, critically, and deliberately,” NEH Chair Shelly C. Lowe (Navajo) said. (4)

Canada: Social sciences and humanities

In Canada, the SSHRC is the federal agency responsible for promoting and supporting research and training in the humanities and social sciences. (5) Notably, in September 2024, Canada’s three federal research funding agencies – the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and the SSHRC – partnered with IVADO to announce a joint call for research proposals between Canada and France focused on AI. (6)

In other news, we hear that the 2024 winners of the SSHRC Impact Awards have made significant contributions to Canadian society. Their work ranges from enhancing cultural awareness in mental healthcare for Indigenous populations to applying insights from Greek antiquity to modern democracies and preserving the language and music of underrepresented groups.

In late November 2024, the Honourable FrançoisPhilippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced the 2024 SSHRC Impact Awards recipients. These awards are the highest honors given by the SSHRC, recognizing outstanding Canadian researchers for their achievements in research training, knowledge mobilization, and outreach activities, all partially or entirely funded by the SSHRC.

During the announcement, Minister Champagne congratulated the 2024 SSHRC Impact Award winners for their exceptional contributions to advancing knowledge that has a meaningful impact on society. “Canada’s top social sciences and humanities researchers are addressing challenges that affect us all every day. Their research reflects our government’s ongoing work to building a more inclusive, resilient and prosperous future for all,” Minister Champagne continued. (7)

Philosophy research

The American Philosophical Association (APA) fosters the discipline and profession of philosophy within the public sphere and academic circles. The APA promotes philosophers’ professional development and aims to foster a deeper appreciation and understanding of the value of philosophical inquiry.

The APA fosters international cooperation by collaborating with philosophical associations worldwide on issues of common concern. It awards and prizes for excellence in philosophy and contributions to the discipline. The APA is committed to developing teaching practices and disseminating such materials and techniques across all educational levels. It also supports efforts to teach philosophy in schools.

Furthermore, the APA aims to serve and support philosophers from diverse backgrounds, demographics, perspectives, and specializations. It works to ensure that individuals from marginalized and historically underrepresented groups have access to the support and resources necessary to thrive as philosophers and that historically marginalized areas and traditions within philosophy are respected and valued. (8)

Primatology research

To conclude, let’s shift our focus to a different topic. Did you know that the American Society of Primatologists is a scientific and educational organization dedicated to understanding, conserving, and informing the public about non-human primates? (9) The Society’s educational and scientific missions aim to encourage and promote discovering and sharing information regarding primates. (10)

Whether focused on wild populations or captive colonies, research on non-human primates addresses various topics related to behavior, population dynamics, social organization, health, biology, cognition, plus primate conservation and care. The Society actively promotes and supports impactful, high-quality, and ethical research in primatology through various mechanisms that recognize outstanding contributions.

Additionally, they foster the advancement of early-career researchers by providing a community where primatologists from diverse backgrounds can share their work and receive constructive feedback to refine their research knowledge and practices. Among other initiatives, they offer training and support for students, practitioners, and primatologists working globally. (11)

North American research: Closing remarks

We have observed outstanding research advancement in North America across various fields, including standards and technology, the humanities, social sciences, and primatology. We wish these organizations the best as they strive to further their research areas.



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