This week, Democrats saw win after win after Moody upgraded Nevada’s credit rating from Aa2 to Aa1 and Attorney General Aaron Ford secured a historic $350 million national settlement against Publicis Health for their role in the prescription opioid crisis. Nevada’s portions of these funds will be allocated towards prevention, treatment, and recovery programs, and will add to the $1.1 billion that AG Ford has already brought to the state of Nevada to remediate the harm caused by the opioid epidemic. Nevada Democrats continue delivering on behalf of families from strengthening our economy to addressing the the opioid epidemic.

Read more about Democrats’ wins for Nevada below:

KOLO: State of Nevada receives credit upgrade

By Kevin Sheridan

  • The State of Nevada has received a credit upgrade from Moody’s Investor Services.
  • Nevada had its motor vehicle fuel tax and indexed tax and subordinate motor vehicle fuel tax bonds upgraded from Aa2 to Aa1, marking the third time since 2019 the Silver State has had its credit upgraded.
  • “Thanks to strong fiscal management over the last years, the various rating agencies continue to recognize that the State of Nevada is in a strong financial position,” said Treasurer Zach Conine. “Due to our State’s continued economic diversification efforts, tax revenues continue to overperform, which helps us build priority infrastructure projects at the lowest possible cost to residents.”

BNN: Nevada Secures $350M Opioid Settlement with Publicis Health, Receives $4.1M

By Sakchi Khandelwal

  • Nevada Attorney General, Aaron D. Ford, secures a landmark $350 million national settlement with Publicis Health, a global marketing and communications firm, resolving investigations into its role in the prescription opioid crisis. 
  • The Attorney General’s Office has been relentless in its pursuit for justice in the opioid crisis, which has claimed countless lives and devastated communities across Nevada. Thanks to AG Ford’s tireless efforts, the state has now secured over $1.1 billion in settlements from various entities involved in the crisis.
  • These funds will be allocated towards prevention, treatment, and recovery programs, as well as supporting those affected by the epidemic. With today’s announcement, Nevada takes another crucial step in its fight against the opioid crisis.
  • Central to the settlement is the commitment to transparency and accountability. 
  • By working together and demanding transparency, Nevada is making significant strides in addressing the opioid crisis. The settlement with Publicis Health is a testament to the power of accountability and the importance of putting the well-being of communities first. As we move forward, let us continue to prioritize healing, recovery, and justice for all those affected by the opioid epidemic.


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