LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – The Prevent Cancer Foundation said 69% of U.S. adults are behind on at least one routine cancer screening.
Cancer screening means looking for cancer before symptoms appear when cancer may be easier to treat.
People may be more likely to be diagnosed with cancer if someone else in their family also has cancer, but family history seems to be a great source of confusion around screening.
“The challenge here is there is a bit of a misconception that only people with a family history of cancer need to worry about cancer screening and that’s not true,” Jody Hoyos CEO of The Prevent Cancer Foundation said.
She’s efforting increased awareness and access to cancer screenings for everyone and found
“The top reason cited in our survey for why people are behind in their cancer screenings, simply they didn’t know they needed to be screened, ” she said.
That’s regardless of age, sex, or ethnicity but the survey did look across different racial and ethnic groups across the U.S and found the following trends: Hispanic adults cited an inability to afford the cost of the screening as a reason for being behind, black adults cited skepticism of health care system for a reason of being behind.
The following cancers have screening tests: breast, cervical, colorectal, head and neck cancers, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and skin cancer. Hoyos says women need to begin cervical cancer screening at age 21.
For mammograms, she added, “Breast cancer screening at age 40, that’s for people at average risk, but talk to a doctor about what’s right for you.”
To find a list of screenings you need and the recommended age, go to