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Going late April and ready for some fun! Staying at Cosmo but taking advantage of the comps at a lower tier MGM property. Which pool would you recommend that’s nice and down for a good time with a bit of a party atmosphere? I’m used to boulevard pool at Cosmo vibe. Choosing between :Luxor, Excalibur, and Park MGM?


None of those are going to match the good time party atmosphere of the Cosmo BLVD pool. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t just stay at Cosmo for your pool time. I mean, you’re staying at Cosmo.

But whatever the reason, I would say Luxor on a weekend comes the closest to the Cosmo vibe, but understand, its not close. Its just closer than the other two (though I think Park has the nicest pool of those three, but its not a party vibe)


We probably will just do our pool thing at Cosmo, because let’s face it—it’s COSMO. But, nonetheless I was curious of the other pool vibes. That definitely answers my question. Ty!


i’ve been at the Park pools a fair bit the last three/four years

I’d agree with Travel Fanatic that there’s no party vibe at Park. Closest you’ll come is the East pool, which is adults only but a far cry from a party — more chill than anything cuz no kiddies.

If you want a peaceful time with decent music you’ll be okay there but don’t expect socializing and shenanigans



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