We are road tripping.
Two Days in Tunica at Gold Strike, 7 nights at Perdido Key, Florida, two nights at the Beau Rivage in Biloxi, then back to the Gold Strike for either one or two nights. That’s to be decided later.
So we get here, decide to go see if a host I know is on duty, as my host here is on a cruise. He’s not, another asks what she can do for us. I wanted to know if we could get a suite. Turns out we had a suite, but our host put us in for arrival two days ago, leaving today. Doh
We got a suite.
My plan is to Gambo very lightly here, I’ve lost my love for the joint now that it’s no longer “Tunica’s only MGM resort”, and do my real gambo at the Beau: “Mississippi’s ONLY MGM resort” Maybe toss in one tier credit at Horseshoe , next door, to keep my comps alive in the CET world, and check out the Golden Nugget in Biloxi.
As far as Beach goes, that’s a cooler of beer under an umbrella with an occasional jump in the pool. Not a fan of the Ocean at Perdido, to many Rip Currents for my taste.
Time to go find a beer and gambo “lite”