LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Residents who live in the northwest Las Vegas valley claim that their HOA is preventing them from keeping their community safe by forcing them to remove caution signs on their block.
“They don’t want us to have the signs up because they say we don’t own the street, but our kids are playing out here so who is responsible if someone gets hit,” Kirsten, a 14-year resident of the community located near Decatur Boulevard and Farm Road, said.
Fellow neighbor, Devery said the signs have made a difference on her block since she put them up eight months ago.
“These signs have made such an impact on the neighborhood. We’ll see people speeding down the street and then once they see the signs they slow down,” Devery shared with 8 News Now.
Kirsten agreed but said she has seen some pushback from those drivers who always seem to be in a rush.
“I think the signs are effective. The neighbors know we are out here on a nightly basis. Some respect it, while others seem annoyed, trying to wave us out of the way,” she added.
Devery said the HOA needs to come up with a solution to the speeding and reckless driving in the neighborhood, before removing the signs without a proper conversation.
“There are protocols in place that need to be followed. I never received a violation in the mail about this. It wasn’t until after they removed all the signs that I brought up, adding stop signs and speedbumps, but the board president dismissed the ideas saying it would cost too much money,” she said.
Nicklin Property Management, the association that oversees this community, stated that if neighbors don’t comply with the removal, then there will be further legal action taken.