LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Harry Reid International Airport was busy Sunday as holiday travelers flew in and out of Las Vegas.

“This is the busiest I’ve seen the airport in a long while,” Keith Brill shared with 8 News Now.

For some, arriving back home to Las Vegas was a lot less chaotic than expected.

“It seems calm compared to when I flew out a couple days ago. There was no parking,” Holiday traveler Pat Meints explained

For others like Katie Wisniewski, she’s noticed a lot of people out and about during the holiday weekend.

“I think there’s an influx of people traveling this year compared to last. I’ve also been traveling more myself,” she added.

Local, Tobey Brill said Las Vegas seems like a hotspot destination for those celebrating with so much activity taking place here in the last month.

“People are flooding Vegas especially with F1 recently. People are staying through Thanksgiving weekend,” Brill shared.

According to AAA, 5.8 million people were expected to fly domestically this Thanksgiving which is an increase of about 2% from last year.

On Sunday, Harry Reid International saw nearly 200 delayed flights with very few cancellations. 

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