LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – Pigeons appeared to coo glumly nearby as the over 100-pound pile of Kroger-brand bread was removed from the besieged Henderson business, but now one truck driver is alleging there are more unreported stale mounds across the Western United States.

Curtis Dennis, manager of PBF Manufacturing, said he now has an answer as to why his funeral casket warehouse was targeted with unwanted loaves.

“[The driver] just got mad and decided he didn’t want to go through the process of returning the bread,” Dennis said. “So, he just decided to dump it wherever he was.”

Curtis Dennis, manager of PBF Manufacturing, said he now has an answer as to why his funeral casket warehouse was targeted with unwanted loaves. (KLAS)

Buffalo Market, a food distributor, called and explained to Dennis they owned the bread route the driver was contracted to deliver products on, and offered to clean the mess on his property.

Dennis told the Buffalo Market representative he was thankful they sincerely offered to come down, but he had already been reached out to by Logistic Solutions who removed the mountain of manna.

“They [had] to make special arrangements with the landfill,” he said. “I believe it has something to do with methane gas and CO2 emissions.”

Logistic Solutions offered to help remove the loaves of bread left at the Henderson business. (KLAS)

Dennis then asked the distributor if they spoke to the driver responsible, to figure out why they dropped the bread at his Henderson business.

“Buffalo Market contacted me and basically told me that they can’t find the driver,” he said. “They don’t know where he is.”

The distributor also said the driver had a bread route in the Northeast Las Vegas Valley, nowhere near Henderson.

Dennis said he was thankful Buffalo Market reached out to him and is grateful for the community’s support to solve his bewildering issue.

“I am glad everybody stepped up to do their part to help me out at least,” he said. “If it hadn’t been for the story at Channel 8, this wouldn’t have gotten out and I would have been stuck with wet bread.”

Curtis Dennis, manager of PBF Manufacturing, said he now has an answer as to why his funeral casket warehouse was targeted with unwanted loaves. (KLAS)
Vicious Cycle

One veteran truck driver with more than 17 years of experience, who spoke with 8 News Now anonymously, says he drove a delivery route for Buffalo Market and was not surprised when he heard about the product dump in Henderson.

“I had North Las Vegas, Sky Canyon, and Centennial Smith’s routes,” the truck driver said. “They hired a bunch of knuckleheads and they let it go bad and dump it everywhere.”

The truck driver said the distributor, Buffalo Market, and the producer, Franz Bakery, have been rapidly expanding in Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada at the cost of quality assurance.

“They owe me three paychecks, I know I’m probably not going to get back,” the driver said. “When they quit [drivers] just dump it everywhere.”

The distributor’s guidelines, according to the truck driver, are to take any excess product and donate it to a church, but the truck driver alleges many are stuck in a “vicious cycle” when the distributor leaves drivers on the hook with overordered products.

“All they care about is the deliveries to the store and up until the register,” the driver said. “But they don’t care about the drivers.”

Five different Buffalo Market employees have not yet replied to comment for this story.

The City of Henderson Police Department has not yet replied about the status of their investigation.

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