This version was released on 24th of April, 2024 to all of our users. If you encounter any functions that are not working as expected, please notify us via


Landing Page – Anonymous Users can now select their Job Type and Industry on a landing page, so they will see the same dedicated content as logged-in users.

User Authentication – We have made a small update to the Authentication Email sent to a user when he logs in. Now, the user can also use a code to log in.

Searches – We have modified the Print Version for all Searches on ch-aviation. When you run a search now and use the Print Results function in the header of the print view, we will show the search criteria you have selected for the results you are printing on the print page.


Print Page – There was a bug with the Print Page functionality, leading to not showing all news articles available for print. This issue has been fixed.

Operator Profile:

Historical Fleet – For Operators where we only show their historical fleet, as they do not have any active aircraft anymore (because they are out of business, for example), we have removed the “show complete list button” as the data is already in full display. This is part of our efforts to remove clutter.

Aircraft Search:

Aircraft Variant – We fixed a bug where the “Aircraft Variant” filter would stick even after the Aircraft Type was changed. Now when you select a new aircraft type, the previously selected Aircraft Variant value is resetted.

Schedule Search:

Departure Period/Date – We fixed a bug with the “Departure Period & Departure Date” functionality where the date/period would stay the same even when a user changed the date to create a new search.

Sorting Issue: We fixed a bug where using the sorting function would sometimes lead to an error message saying that the “Search request failed”.


Airline Codes – The Airline Code field can now support up to 5 characters instead of just 4.

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