Tech & Innovation

The general principles behind neuronal connectivity

image: @imaginima | iStock A single set of basic networking principles governs how neurons wire together, shaping the brain’s circuitry and neuronal connectivity Physicists and

Tech & Innovation

Moon’s shrinkage and moonquakes act as a challenge for future artemis missions

image: @schankz | iStock Our moon is getting smaller, but how? And will the moon’s shrinkage impact NASA’s Artemis missions? In a study published in

Tech & Innovation

JWST reveals 19 nearby spiral galaxies in stunning clarity

Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Janice Lee (STScI), Thomas Williams (Oxford), PHANGS Team, Elizabeth Wheatley (STScI) NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has revealed fascinating

Tech & Innovation

Did the Doomsday Clock time tick closer to midnight?

image: @Daniel Heighton | iStock The Doomsday Clock, a symbolic representation of humanity’s vulnerability to global catastrophes, was reset to 90 seconds to midnight by

Tech & Innovation

UK health research funding plateaus

Image: © AzmanJaka | iStock UK health research funding reached £5 billion in 2022 but is now plateauing, according to the UK Health Research Analysis

Tech & Innovation

Quasars’ impact on early universe star formation

image: @manuel_adorf | iStock The first evidence of a quasar’s powerful influence on star formation in the early Universe has been uncovered A team of

Tech & Innovation

New JWST focused study challenges cosmic understanding of the early universe

image: @ClaudioVentrella | iStock By analysing data from the James Webb Space Telescope, scientists have uncovered a revelation that could reshape our understanding of the

Tech & Innovation

Canada to join EU’s Horizon Europe: Opportunities and challenges

image: @lillisphotography | iStock Canada’s upcoming association with Horizon Europe, the EU’s €95 billion research and innovation program, makes a significant milestone in global collaboration

Tech & Innovation

Cosmic dust storms: Supernova sparks new understanding

image: @sololos | iStock Astronomers have uncovered a previously unknown mechanism for creating cosmic dust Led by Professor Wang Lingzhi from the South America Center