Tech & Innovation

Twisted ringbots navigate and map unknown environments

Image: @ringbots | iStock Researchers have revealed the twisted ringbot, soft robots capable of engaging in three simultaneous behaviours Unlike traditional robots, these devices operate

Tech & Innovation

Key step in the formation of unique moon rocks revealed

image: @Helen_Field | iStock Scientists have unveiled a crucial process in creating a distinctive rock type found on the Moon. This discovery highlights these lunar

Tech & Innovation

Astronomers discover an Earth-sized planet in our cosmic backyard

Image: @Kapook2981 | iStock A team of astronomers has identified a planet closer and younger than any other earth-sized world HD 63433d Named HD 63433d,

Tech & Innovation

What makes love so strong? The neuroscience behind love and loss

image: @shapecharge | iStock Neuroscientists from the University of Colorado Boulder have revealed the biological signals of desire, explaining why certain bonds like love and

Tech & Innovation

The Doomsday Clock announcement: All you need to know

The Bulletin, stewards of the Doomsday Clock, will announce at 10:00 a.m. EST/1500 GMT, January 23, 2024 whether the clock needs to be changed. What will

Tech & Innovation

Astronomers locate unknown object within the Milky Way: NGC 1851

An artist’s impression of the system assuming that the massive companion star is a black hole. The brightest background star is its orbital companion, the

Tech & Innovation

The general principles behind neuronal connectivity

image: @imaginima | iStock A single set of basic networking principles governs how neurons wire together, shaping the brain’s circuitry and neuronal connectivity Physicists and

Tech & Innovation

Moon’s shrinkage and moonquakes act as a challenge for future artemis missions

image: @schankz | iStock Our moon is getting smaller, but how? And will the moon’s shrinkage impact NASA’s Artemis missions? In a study published in

Tech & Innovation

JWST reveals 19 nearby spiral galaxies in stunning clarity

Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Janice Lee (STScI), Thomas Williams (Oxford), PHANGS Team, Elizabeth Wheatley (STScI) NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has revealed fascinating

Tech & Innovation

Did the Doomsday Clock time tick closer to midnight?

image: @Daniel Heighton | iStock The Doomsday Clock, a symbolic representation of humanity’s vulnerability to global catastrophes, was reset to 90 seconds to midnight by