Tech & Innovation

New insights into the birth of our solar system

image: @Lan Zhang | iStock A team of planetary scientists from UCLA and Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory has uncovered details about the early

Tech & Innovation

Laboratory experiment produces high-density relativistic plasma

image: @Kiryl Pro motion | iStock An international team of scientists has successfully generated high-density relativistic electron-positron pair-plasma beams in the laboratory This team, which

Tech & Innovation

A fall risk algorithm to optimise fall prevention strategies

image: @PeopleImages | iStock Falls cost the UK £4.4bn per year. Smplicare’s fall risk algorithm is 85% accurate at predicting future falls which can help

Tech & Innovation

Scientists find fewer miniature black holes in early universe than expected

image: @ClaudioVentrella | iStock Researchers at the Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU) and Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe

Tech & Innovation

Investigating collapsing stars that mysteriously vanish

image: @Nikolay Pandev | iStock Astrophysicists at the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute have shed light on a star that suddenly vanished from the

Tech & Innovation

NASA collaborates with industry to design sustainable jet engine core

image ©GE Aerospace NASA, in partnership with GE Aerospace, is designing a new jet engine concept aimed at the next generation of ultra-efficient airliners The

Tech & Innovation

Leveraging digital innovations in healthcare for organisational success

image: @ipopba | iStock Suzanne Wait, Managing Director at The Health Policy Partnership, explains why organisational digital innovations may be key to streamlining and sustaining

Tech & Innovation

Ancient galaxies “Shakti” and “Shiva” were discovered in the Milky Way’s

image: @00one | iStock Astronomers have identified what could be two of the Milky Way’s earliest building blocks, “Shakti” and “Shiva” These proto-galactic fragments are

Tech & Innovation

Can cows create insulin? Transgenic cow opens doors for sustainable human insulin production

image:@SimonSkafar | iStock Researchers have successfully developed the world’s first transgenic cow capable of producing human insulin in her milk This achievement, led by a

Tech & Innovation

Research challenges claims of alien materials found in ocean

image: @Trifonov_Evgeniy | iStock Researchers have found evidence to question the 2014 meteor fireball that was previously identified as “extraterrestrial technological” Recent research led by