
The #1 Mistake Made With Lightroom’s AI Masks & How to Fix it (VIDEO)

A solid understanding of how to employ Masks is essential if you want post-processing results that are the best they can be. These easy-to-use tools


5 Simple Photoshop Tricks & Shortcuts Beginners Should Know (VIDEO)

If you’re an inexperienced Photoshop user and a bit confused by everything the powerful software has to offer, today’s quick tutorial from the Creative Layers


Perspective Power: Camera Angles & Different Focal Lengths (VIDEO)

One sure way to give your imagery greater impact is to harness the power of shooting photos with a unique perspective. This isn’t difficult to


Use Photoshop’s Eyedropper to Get Precise Colors Fast (VIDEO)

It’ a shame that many Photoshop users ignore the Eyedropper tool when editing their images to achieve precise colors with a natural look. After all,


Give Nature Photos a Unique INFRARED Effect: No Special Gear Required (VIDEO)

You’ve no doubt marveled at mind-blowing photos with pink foliage and other weird colors that look like scenes captured on another planet. These unique images


Shoot & Edit HDR Photos for Perfect Exposures Every Time (VIDEO)

Outdoor photographers often confront a confounding challenge when shooting scenes with an extremely wide range of tones from deep shadows to bright highlights and everything


Want EPIC Landscape Photos? 8 Lightroom Tips You Should Know (VIDEO)

There’s no better way to elevate your skills than by watching an acclaimed pro demonstrate the shooting and image-editing techniques that contribute to his success.


How to Control Highlights for Better Landscape Photos (VIDEO)

Highlights and shadows can be the bane of landscape photographers who often confront scenes with a wide range of tones that exceed the density range


Avoid The #1 Mistake Photographers Often Make

Above photo by OSPAN ALI on Unsplash. When we consider the bonehead blunders photographers unwittingly commit, we usually think about gross mistakes that result in


Green in the Desert: Las Vegas’s Sustainability Efforts

Las Vegas, a city often synonymous with bright lights and bustling energy, is also making strides in sustainability and environmental conservation. From green buildings and