
Shoot & Edit HDR Photos for Perfect Exposures Every Time (VIDEO)

Outdoor photographers often confront a confounding challenge when shooting scenes with an extremely wide range of tones from deep shadows to bright highlights and everything


Want EPIC Landscape Photos? 8 Lightroom Tips You Should Know (VIDEO)

There’s no better way to elevate your skills than by watching an acclaimed pro demonstrate the shooting and image-editing techniques that contribute to his success.


How to Control Highlights for Better Landscape Photos (VIDEO)

Highlights and shadows can be the bane of landscape photographers who often confront scenes with a wide range of tones that exceed the density range


Avoid The #1 Mistake Photographers Often Make

Above photo by OSPAN ALI on Unsplash. When we consider the bonehead blunders photographers unwittingly commit, we usually think about gross mistakes that result in


Green in the Desert: Las Vegas’s Sustainability Efforts

Las Vegas, a city often synonymous with bright lights and bustling energy, is also making strides in sustainability and environmental conservation. From green buildings and


5 Lightroom/Photoshop Plugins This Landscape Pro Can’t Live Without (VIDEO)

Last week we featured a tutorial explaining a foolproof way to install, organize, and manage image-editing plugins so they work most efficiently for your specific


Want Epic Blue-Hour Landscape Photos? Don’t Miss the “Pink Stripe” (VIDEO)

Most outdoor photographers understand that mid-day light is one of the worst times to shoot. That’s because at this time of day illumination tends to


A 10-Second Edit Hack for Landscape Photos That Jump Off the Screen (VIDEO)

We’re always a bit wary about so-called editing hacks, tips, and tricks that promise great results, especially when they’re of the 10-second variety. But the


The Secret to Landscape Photos with Maximum Impact: Lightroom’s Linear Profiles (VIDEO)

We’re all looking for a creative edge when editing outdoor photos captured in difficult light. One goal is to create images with maximum impact, and


Underexposed Photos? How to Bring Them to Life in Lightroom (VIDEO)

Landscape photographers constantly grapple with complicated, messy scenes that have a wide range of tones, whether their shooting at sunrise, sunset, or in the middle