Without a doubt, tackling Torres del Paine is a rigorous and fully rewarding adventure in and of itself. So much so, that you could let it live solely in your mind’s eye and feel satisfied. For many though, a big part of the journey is finding creative and tangible ways to take the experience home with you. It could be jotting down field notes, snapping polaroids, doodling in a sketchbook, or even recording little audio notes to yourself.

On Haramar’s recent Torres del Paine — Full Circuit Trek, he chose to capture it all on the grainy goodness of film and we’re glad he did. Naturally, his photos show off the iconic landscapes you’d expect but also the serenity, camaraderie, and deep fulfillment found in quiet moments. Here are a few of our favourites from his 11-day itinerary:

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towers shaped by the harsh environment the park presents; nature will continue to run its course
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en route to our campsite, a wide green valley opens ahead
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already making fast friends and enjoying the sweeping views at dinner
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taking in the stillness and mountain landscapes from our campsite
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a massive valley, nature in a panoramic view on the way to Seron campsite
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trusty porters leading the way as we walk alongside rivers in the valley
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enjoying the quiet company of a giant condor and surrounding peaks
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glacial ice running off into milky green lagoons
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porters earning a well-earned rest and sleeping under mountains at Camp Dickson
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a challenging day through John Garner Pass but a huge reward in Grey Glacier views
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switching it up to b+w film, ascending and descending literal mountains is awe-inspiring
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the fatigue is real but the feeling of accomplishment reigns supreme
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final views of Torres del Paine before the return to Puerto Natales

Getting there

Ready to capture memories of a Patagonia trek in your own special way? Here are some tours to consider starting with the one featured in this post.

Torres del Paine — Full Circuit Trek

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