Americans For Prosperity is spending another $600,000 on TV ads to prop up Brown in messy GOP primary

Americans for Prosperity (AFP), an out-of-state super PAC representing the conservative billionaire Koch network, just announced it is making a $600,000 ad buy in Nevada to prop up Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown in the increasingly messy Republican Senate primary. 

In addition to welcoming AFP’s spending on his behalf and taking contributions from the Koch Industries PAC, Brown has also received the endorsement of AFP, a far-right organization that has called for drastic changes to Social Security like raising the retirement age and cutting benefits for Nevada seniors. This latest spending comes after AFP has already spent more than $525,000 supporting Brown’s campaign.

AFP isn’t the only conservative billionaire-funded special interest group propping up Brown’s campaign. Brown’s personal super PAC raked in $2 million solely from MAGA billionaire David Duffield, whose net worth is currently estimated to be $18.1 billion, and has spent nearly $600,000 to support his campaign so far. 

Despite this, Brown continues to fundraise on empty promises, such as: “I wasn’t going to enlist the help of billionaire mega donors to support my campaign.” 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz:

“Sam Brown is a career politician who will sell out Nevada voters to the highest bidder in order to finally win an election. He falls in line behind out-of-state politicians and dark money groups while they push an extreme and deeply unpopular agenda that voters have already rejected. Brown’s campaign has made it clear he answers to billionaires and special interests, not Nevadans.”


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