Kamala Harris:

It is indisputable that Harris acknowledges the crises during the Harris-Biden administration. She has admitted responsibility. Moreover, her extremely liberal policies would likely exacerbate the crises they have created.

See the information below compiled by the Republican National Committee:

For 39 months straight, since Kamala Harris became Biden’s border czar, monthly encounters surpassed even the highest month under the last administration. During the past year alone, Border Czar Kamala Harris has failed to talk with Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens. The same goes for retired Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz who disclosed back in March that he never “had one conversation” with the Border Czar during the two years he held the position under the Biden Administration.

Meanwhile, in just the last month, 1,359 pounds of deadly Fentanyl was seized at the southern border, with much more getting through. Criminals are continuing to flood across the border, with Border Patrol arresting illegal immigrants accused of homicide, rape , assault, drug trafficking, and human smuggling, all within the past month. It was her job to oversee the border bloodbath of rapes, murder, and deadly drug trafficking. Despite Biden and Harris’ promise of a “fair and humane immigration system,” their open border policies aren’t compassionate; they are deadly. Border Czar Kamala Harris has only visited the border once as vice president – traveling to a politically friendly district rather than the epicenter of the crisis.

Kamala Harris has a track record of supporting radical policies throughout her career. Harris failed to prosecute criminals to the fullest extent of the law. She encouraged people to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which bailed now-convicted rapists, assaulters, and murderers out of jail. She supports defunding the police, decriminalizing illegal immigration, and opposing the death penalty for even the most gruesome cop-killers.

Kamala Harris was the deciding vote on spending bills that caused inflation. In 2021, Kamala Harris gave the tie-breaking vote to pass the “American Rescue Plan,” which many economists warned would fuel inflation. In 2022, Kamala Harris again gave the tie-breaking vote to pass the “Inflation Reduction Act” scam bill that sent inflation through the roof.

Since Kamala took office:

  • Overall prices are up 20.1%
  • Food prices are up 21.3%
  • Rent prices are up 21.5%
  • Electricity is up 31.6%
Kamala Harris has a history of praising radical government-controlled health care plans. Harris thinks supporting Bernie Sanders’ Medicare For All plan would be the “right thing to do” and considers health care coverage to be “a right.” She wants to rip away Americans’ access to private health insurance.

Harris was an original co-sponsor of democratic socialist Bernie Sanders’ Medicare For All insurance program and remains an original co-sponsor for his 2019 version. Kamala supports eliminating private insurance even if Americans like their own plan, labeling private health insurance coverage to be “unlawful.” She supported a single-payer health care system that would cost at least $32 trillion and supported single-payer health care systems that would be paid in part by doubling federal individual and corporate income taxes, but even that would not be enough.

Kamala Harris has fought to kill American energy. As vice president, Harris has bragged about her role in delivering “the most ambitious climate agenda in history.” She is a California liberal, endorsed by another California liberal, Gavin Newsom. As Americans suffer under disastrous policies from the Biden administration, Harris has been the co-pilot.

Harris has been the Enabler in Chief for Crooked Joe Biden this entire time. She helped cover up serious health and cognitive issues that made Biden unfit to run. The American people deserve an answer from Harris: If Biden is unfit to run, does she believe our nation is safe and secure with nearly 6 more months of Biden’s weakness in the White House? 

Voters know that Harris is a failed vice president and has proven herself incompetent. 57% of Americans disapprove of Kamala Harris. An NBC News poll, from this past summer, found Harris to have the lowest favorability for a vice president in the history of its poll.

Tim Walz:

Kamala Harris found a perfect match in weak, failed, and dangerously liberal Tim Walz. 

Walz transformed Minnesota into a third-world refuge for the Radical Left’s most deranged lunacy — and now he’s joining forces with Kamala to do it to the rest of the country.

During an interview, Walz slighted rural constituents by saying that rural areas are “mostly rocks and cows”. Meanwhile, our rural communities are the backbone of America, especially in agriculture and energy. Like Harris, Tim Walz wants to destroy the American coal, oil, and natural gas industries—and signed legislation to eliminate all carbon-based fuels from the Minnesota electrical grid by 2040. The Walz policy of eliminating all carbon-based fuels is effectively a Windmill Mandate and is deliberately designed to make every American poorer in the name of fighting climate change. 

Walz signed into law a gas tax increase. At a time when electricity prices nationwide are already 30 percent higher under Kamala Harris, and going higher, Walz is a strong supporter of Kamala’s war on American oil and natural gas production. In 2023, Walz signed a bill to force Minnesota to operate solely on carbon-free electricity by 2040. In 2021, Minnesota adopted “stricter emissions standards for cars, trucks and SUVs, aligning itself with California” despite objections from auto dealers over the state delegating authority to California. 

And just like Kamala Harris, Walz supports California extreme climate policies and the Harris/Biden Electric Vehicle Mandate, which devastate poor and working-class Americans through higher gas, electricity, and automobile prices, and which will destroy the American Auto Industry.

Recently, Walz said ” “Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are a team of radicals dedicated to the very policies that gave us historic inflation, a border invasion, and brought us to the brink of World War III. The American people will resoundingly reject this disastrous duo this November. 

Like Harris, Walz is a weak-on-violent-crime, pro defund-the-police liberal who presided over a horrific 21 percent increase in violent crime in Minnesota.  Walz called cops racist, let Minneapolis Police Department’s 3rd Precinct police headquarters burn down, and stood by as 1,500 businesses suffered $500 million in damages during the 2020 riots. Tim Walz commuted the life sentence of a gang member who murdered an 11-year-old. After having been released from prison, Burrell was caught with an illegal gun and drugs. The same Minnesota Freedom that Kamala supported bailed Burrell out of jail.

Tim Walz is an Open Borders zealot who supports mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens and refuses to call Kamala’s border disaster a crisis. He supports sanctuary states and cities, and signed numerous bills that gave illegal aliens driver’s licenses, free medical insurance, and free college tuition. Walz suggested he would invest in a “ladder company” to help illegals get over the border wall. He supports Kamala’s open border policies and refused to say that there is a crisis ongoing at our southern border. 

After once bragging about the endorsement of the NRA, Walz turned his back on gun owners and now supports Harris-style gun bans, and signed into law gun control legislation in May 2023. Just like Harris, Walz won’t let the police protect you and won’t let you protect yourself. He flip-flopped on the Second Amendment and turned his back on America’s gunowners. Walz said he now sees his support from the NRA earlier in his career as “challenging” and says he will back Kamala’s proposal to ‘confiscate guns’ in the first 100 days. 

Walz supports defunding the police. Since Walz became Governor of Minnesota in 2019, there has been a 21.6 percent increase in violent crime yet Walz said he supports shifting police funding to “community groups.” 

Like Harris, Walz defended insane COVID lockdown policies that shut down schools and churches. He callously said that the pain of countless families “wasn’t that bad.” 

Walz laughed at citizens who dared to criticize his misguided lockdown order. Walz discharged COVID-positive patients to long-term care facilities, which were decimated with some of highest death rates in the nation.
Walz has repeatedly praised communist China, saying the U.S. shouldn’t have an “adversarial relationship” with them.
Walz signed legislation requiring schools to stock menstrual products in boys’ bathrooms. Walz signed an order allowing minors to receive gender reassignment surgeries with no age limit. Walz thinks it’s “insane” to be upset at partnering with a satanic designer to promote transgender products for kids.

Walz was a key figure in the cover-up of Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, saying he was “fit for office” just days after the CNN during a visit to the White House. 

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